Penticton Secondary
High School
Class Of 1976
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Jim Ashe
Howie Boyda
Dennis Browett
Terry Brownlee (Brownlee)
Heather Chubb (Chubb-Way)
Steve Deppisch
Robin Duncan
Carol Farnholz (Schofield)
Tim Fink
Mel Gartner
Grace Higgins (Higgins)
Shirley Hill (Wear)
Greg Jeffery
Barb Keen (Bartee)
George Lee
Laurie MacKenzie (Macarthur)
Trudy Rehbein (Simpson)
Bob Sasyniuk
Tanya Schoen (Buskell)
Teresa Siegrist
Gail Stalmans (O,hara)
Karen Swetlikoe
Phyllis Tarrant (Ponich)
Cam Torgerson
Athena Vassilaki (Demosten)
Michael Warkentine