In Memory

Mike Tyndall

TYNDALL, Michael John Born September 13, 1958. On November 26, 2013 he was diagnosed with a rare type of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He passed away Saturday, June 28, 2014 at 2:28 pm. He leaves behind his wife, Cornelia Tyndall; two daughters, Cheryl and Jen; two sons, Danilo and Mariano. He was known to be the jokester of the party and always had everyone laughing. He is the strongest man and survived this disease longer than any doctor predicted. His life was taken away from us too soon, but he lived an amazing life while he was here and was the best father we could ask for. We carry his spirit within us and all the memories we will cherish forever.

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03/20/16 11:18 AM #1    

Jim Ashe


You were 1 of a kind!

The 70's wouldn't have been the same without you...


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